—to use technology to build an online Bible tool that aids in studying the languages in which God first had the Tanakh / Old Testament written.
—to make this online Bible Tool function like a worldwide Bible study so people of every language and belief can share ideas of what the Hebrew and Aramaic are saying.
— to organize each member's notes to be searchable and sharable.
Sound IMPOSSIBLE? It will take only 10,000 of us to try. With 10,000 members @ $36 each, we can develop this technology. These first members will give feedback and test our Bible tool to ensure it functions as planned.
Please JOIN today for ONLY $36!
Worldwide Bible Search . . . How?
Don't you love the comments when you study the Bible in a group? We invite all users to make notes and comments about Hebrew/Aramaic words, topics, questions, etc. When users make those notes and comments, our staff will harvest them for all to read. Of course, everything is anonymous. Our staff will prevent duplication and ensure the wording is accurate to the intentions of the member who submitted the comment.
Forms will be used to submit all comments on our site. The form will cause your comment to appear in your notes and come to our staff for review. Our program will ensure that this comment appears for all to see in the various drop-down menus, etc.
Forms are the Bible Data Search method used for each member to add data to our site. The form will require comments plus proving their comment with scripture or logic. Other users can add more proofs or logic that proves or disproves previously stated comments. This system provides brief notes for all to consider and an actual interaction among all our users. All forms are submitted so our staff can ensure each idea is presented clearly and only once.
These comments are considerations for all to read and discern truth for themselves. Presenting all comments mimics a live study group with the added benefit of time for people to add scripture addresses and/or logic that deals with that comment. Bible Data Search's approach is inclusive, leaving no one out! Hearing all the comments is like a scientist in a lab carefully investigating every component needed to test. When you search God's word, you are testing for truth. The Hebrew and Aramaic words are the actual "data." Our notification icons will note when new info is added to your completed searches. This will let you know when to review your past studies for more consideration.
Bible Data Search staff will interact with our users via email in response to these forms. Their job is (1) to read the submitted forms. (2) check if this wording has already been stated. (3) make sure the wording is concise and clear. (4) interact with the member who submitted the form to make sure they agree with the wording the staff is suggesting.
The comments will have no rating or data on how many people believe like you. God’s truth is not a democracy or a popularity contest.
As more people use our site, our data will grow.
We aim to eventually have Bible Data Search translated into every language so we can be worldwide! We need a lot of members to make this possible.
When we get all the languages developed, then . . . suppose you speak English and a Spanish-speaking person comments. In that case, our program will convert that Spanish comment into English for you. This way, you can interact with everyone in the world no matter what language you speak. So each of our users is truly sharing ideas with people worldwide!
Because we desire to let God's Word teach instead of people, we want every believer from all types of faiths to use our site. Our common bond is the Tanakh / Old Testament as God's inspired Word, which most Abrahamic religions believe. We are not teaching; we are presenting God's Word in a format where our users can discern meaning from the Hebrew and Aramaic for themselves. This way, the people who believe in the God of Abraham can study on our site together comfortably.
Remember, your conclusions about the meaning of scripture are valuable input for everyone to consider. Look at your fingerprint. You are unique. No one but YOU can do what God created YOU to do in HIS overall plan. So let's search together. All comments are welcome.
God chose Hebrew and Aramaic!
Most believers are not fluent in Hebrew or Aramaic, which is why they rely on translations. Bible Data Search will empower our users to test their beliefs against the original languages that God chose.
Any different language other than Hebrew and Aramaic is a translation. To trust a translation is like getting a message from God through another person. Did you ever play the game of “Gossip?” If you did, you know you better hear God’s message directly from God.
Be wary of translations because the translator has so much power to alter your beliefs unless you test him against the Hebrew and Aramaic scriptures.
Think about how this amazing book became available for you to study.
Between 1600 and 1300 BCE, Moses and over a million eyewitnesses received the first five books of the Tanakh / Old Testament at the foot of Mount Sinai. This was a dramatic event that followed God performing ten plagues and the miraculous delivery of the Hebrew people from Egypt.
When coming out of Egyptian slavery, these people claim to have walked on dry land through a sea that God parted. They traveled to Mount Sinai. Moses had a personal encounter with God on top of that mountain. There was lightening, thunder and smoke! What an impression God made when He introduced Himself to the people! Every person standing at the foot of Mt. Sinai heard God’s voice with their own ears!
Later Moses would write Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, which the Jews call the Torah. God then detained this specific group of people in the wilderness for 40 years before allowing their descendants to enter the land of Israel. At some point, God assigned them the duty to keep this word given at the foot of Mt. Sinai for future generations.
The Jews added books to this original Torah given at Mt. Sinai. The two additional categories they added were the prophets and the writings. The Jews call their book that contains all three of these categories the TaNaKh. The “Ta” represents the Torah, the “Na” represents the Nevi’im or the prophets, and the “Kh” represents the writings or the Ketuvim.
Jews collected the words of proven prophets of God and put them In the category of the prophets called the Nevi’im. These books are Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi.
Jews also collected the words of others who they felt were worthy of passing on to future generations. These words they call the writings or Ketuvim. The books in the Ketuvim category: the Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Song of Songs (Song of Solomon), Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Chronicles.
So you may ask why Daniel, Ezra, and Nehemiah were not included in the prophets. Well, this should be one of our first questions submitted by our members so we can hear the answer from a Jew.
All of these books were written in either Hebrew or its sister language, Aramaic.
Consider how God demonstrated His approval of these Hebrew/Aramaic writings that the Jews have handed down since Mt. Sinai?
In 70 CE, the Romans finally came to completely destroy Jerusalem, including the Temple. Jews fled. Before Jerusalem was utterly destroyed in 70 CE, the Pharisees escaped with their treasured scrolls. These scrolls contained the entire Tanakh. The Jews hand-copied these precious words to be handed down to future generations beginning at Mt. Sinai! The Jews created an occupation called a scribe. Scribes were responsible for accurately copying these Holy words so the words would never be lost. Remember, there were no printing presses, so a scribe had to be trusted to do a good job and not make mistakes.
When this destruction fell upon Jerusalem, another Jewish group called the Essenes hid their scrolls in the caves of Qumran.
Years passed, till 1949. A little boy threw a rock, and the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered! Jewish scribes had been coping these precious texts as accurately as possible since Mt. Sinai. But had they copied them accurately? Finally, the world can answer that question.
This discovery of the ancient scrolls made it possible to compare the writings hidden by the Essenes in 70 CE to the Jewish texts of the Tanakh that we have today. Note, this is an 1800-year time gap! And a fragment from every book except the book of Esther was found in those caves. These fragments are on display for the world to see in Israel. Most scholars agree there are minimal differences between the hidden scrolls of the Essenes and the writings we have today from the Jews. And none were critical to understanding God's word!
Wow! What proof that we study the actual words given at Mt. Sinai in the Torah (the first 5 books)! Also, this gives us confidence that the books the Jews added in the Nevi’im (Prophets) and the Ketuvim (Writings) were God’s approved word as well. Why? Because a fragment from every book except Esther of the Tanakh / Old Testament was found in those caves for us to compare.
Remember that these scrolls were written first in the Hebrew and Aramaic languages. Translations will come much later.
These are the reasons Bible Data Search considers the Hebrew/Aramaic words "data."
Bible Data Search will help everyone read God's message in the languages God chose to present to the world.
No wonder 75% of our world believes in the God of Abraham! The word "DATA" in Bible Data Search refers to these Hebrew and Aramaic words that have been passed down carefully for centuries. We call God's original words "data" because we believe they are what must be tested for anyone to choose true beliefs and expose false ones.
Many say our goal is impossible, yet Bible Data Search developers believe they have the technology to achieve this goal. We just need the support to prove it. The world will never know unless we get enough users to try. This project is complicated and costly. We must have supporters, or we will never be able to make this a reality.
Abraham was first introduced in the Tanakh. Therefore we hope all Abrahamic religions will consider participating in Bible Data Search.
“When people refer to Abrahamic religions, they usually think of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. There are, in fact, many more Abrahamic religions that are less known. It is estimated that 75% of our world participates in an Abrahamic religion. The term ‘Abrahamic’ highlights the hugely important role that Abraham's figure plays in each of these faiths. Jews, Christians, and Muslims look to their sacred texts to find the history of Abraham and how it has been interpreted through the ages.
How does the Tanakh differ from the Old Testament?
The books, chapters, and verses have the same content, but the scriptural numbering system varies. That is why you will see our searches refer to both the Tanakh scripture address and the reference to the Old Testament scripture address.
Study notes are no longer lost in a sea of confusion.
Bible Data Search will automatically keep your notes in a searchable and shareable format as you study. These notes will be searchable by Hebrew or Aramaic word, scripture address, topic, question, and any other categories we realize we need. You now have efficient ways to find personal notes at your fingertips when discussing your beliefs with others.
And there is so much more!
True. We have other features planned for you to enjoy. And who knows what our site users will suggest! Your $36 membership will make it possible for Bible Data Search to start building this technology. Then you will get the opportunity to test each phase as our web developers build this site. As you test, you might have suggestions for us. We will listen!
Why the name Bible Data Search?
“Bible” is a word for any book considered to be the authority on a subject. We refer to the “Bible” as an authority about our relationship with God. There are many books that different groups of people believe are the “Bible.” At Bible Data Search, we are calling the Tanakh/Old Testament the Bible.
Bible Data Search considers the “Data" to be the original Hebrew and Aramaic of what the Jews call the Tanakh and Christians call the Old Testament.
A translation is someone or some group’s suggestion of what those original words mean. To trust a translation is allowing someone else to tell you what God is saying to you. When you study the original words, you have no middle man between you and God.
We want to empower people to be able to study in God’s original language without a middle man! Stop trusting translators! Use Bible Data Search tools to find God’s message to you.
We believe the word “Search” in our name reminds you that you do not casually read the Bible to find God’s message. Instead, you must deliberately “search” to find the truth God wishes to reveal to you. Jeremiah and Lamentations agree.
Jer 29:13 And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.
Lam 3:40 Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the LORD.
Summary of Bible Data Search Future Goals:
— Make it possible for everyone to test their beliefs against God’s chosen languages.
— Our technology supplies users with context and grammar clues to infer the best definitions of the Hebrew and Aramaic words.
— Pronunciation of the Hebrew and Aramaic words, so you learn how to read aloud.
— No theology promoted. We let God’s word teach, not people.
— Jeremiah and Lamentations agree it is biblical to search for God.
Jer 29:13 And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.
Lam 3:40 Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the LORD.
— Members can interact with people from around the world.
— Organized member notes making the “Data” that supports the member’s beliefs easily accessible and sharable.
— Exposing our users to all comments for consideration from around the world.
— Staff will facilitate comments that communicate with no duplication.
— We hope all religious organizations will participate. Then we can list them in our About Us area of our site and hear a variety of views to consider.
— Speed up study time with our amazing search results organized for quick review.
— Make it possible for everyone to study the original Hebrew and Aramaic without trusting a translator.
— Having Bible Data Search in every language makes it possible to communicate with everyone in our world without a language barrier.
— Use timestamp technology to make it possible to alert each user when new data is added after they have completed a specific study.
— Make it possible for users to create Study Circles for more personal interaction.
— Provide the member area with that member’s personal Interlinear. The top line will be the Hebrew or Aramaic word; the next will be the parts of speech and rollover information about how those rules work in Hebrew or Aramaic. Finally, the last line will be King James translation in light gray. As each member studies, they decide their choice of wording for their translation. Their chosen wording will auto-populate in their Interlinear. It will appear in a bold blue font and replace the gray King James wording everywhere. That same Hebrew or Aramaic word is used throughout their interlinear. This way, when a member is reading their Bible in their member area, they can quickly see the words they have already studied. After all, they now appear in bold blue.
Bible Data Search Dictionary of Terms
Abrahamic religions = Abrahamic religions are those that worship the God of Abraham. All together, they make up approximately 75% percent of our world’s population. Bible Data Search aims for all Abrahamic religions to join in, search and discuss scripture together regarding what is written in the Tanakh / Old Testament.
A Christian = is a person who believes in Jesus. They believe in the Old Testament and the New Testament. Some Christians believe in other books like the Apocrypha, Book of Mormons, and many others. Christians are considered an Abrahamic religion. Bible Data Search aims for all Christians to join in, search and discuss scripture together regarding what is written in the Tanakh / Old Testament.
A Jew = Is the short version of the word Judah in reference to the nation and not the single tribe of Judah. Here are scripture verses to support this meaning of who is a Jew. 2Ch 11:3, 15, 16:19, Est 2:5, 8:17. From these scriptures, we can conclude that the Jews are people who believe in the God of the southern kingdom of Israel called Judah. It was Jews who compiled and made it possible for our world to have the Tanakh. Jews are considered an Abrahamic religion. Bible Data Search aims for all Jews to join in, search and discuss scripture together regarding what is written in the Tanakh / Old Testament.
A Muslim = Muslims adhere to Isalm, which is an Abrahamic religion. They consider the Quran their central religious text. They also consider Moses to be a great prophet, and many believe the New Testament is an inspired book. Bible Data Search aims for all Muslims to join in, search and discuss scripture together regarding what is written in the Tanakh / Old Testament.
Comments = These are member-generated and always anonymous. They are to help everyone consider all possibilities of the meaning of the Hebrew or Aramaic words and beliefs that are derived from them. Like a scientist, you must research ALL possible hypotheses to finally draw your conclusions.
Data = The original Hebrew or Aramaic words from the scrolls that have been handed down continuously since they were first written down by the Jews.
Holy Book = Any book that any group of people considers given by God for humankind. Many books are considered to be “holy.” Bible Data Search focuses only on the Tanakh / Old Testament.
Linked-data = Experiencing our visual format is the only way for you to understand it. Therefore, stay tuned. When we have enough financial support, you will get to experience our linked-data concept.
Member forms = This will be the method for each member to add data to our site. The form will require comments plus proving their comment with scripture or logic. Other users can add more proofs or logic that proves or disproves previously stated comments. This system provides brief notes for all to consider and an actual interaction among all our users. All forms are submitted so our staff can ensure each idea is presented clearly, only once, and to the satisfaction of the contributor of that form.
Member notes = Are automatically recorded with our technology as a member uses our features while searching Hebrew words or specific scriptures. These notes will then be searchable by the Hebrew word, that particular scripture, or topic. This ensures you always find your notes easily.
Notification Icon = Will be a bell icon. When you see this symbol beside a word in the Interlinear in your member area, you will know that more data has been added since you last studied this word.
Original Language = We are implying that it is the first Language in which that book in our Bible was written. Specifically Hebrew or Aramaic.
Proofs = On Bible Data Search, “proofs” will be in two forms, scripture or logic. Scripture or logic can be used as proof for or against any comment on our site.
Questions = Members can suggest “Questions,” and everyone can give possible answers with scripture or logic as proof.
Search Results = Bible Data Search results are not presented in a word document. Instead, they are presented in a “linked - data” format. You will simply have to see this when you do your first search. It is difficult to convey how this works in words. Our system displays searches complete and organized, appearing in an instant. In addition, our data presentation format makes scanning for inconsistencies fast.
Staff = Bible Data Search staff interacts with our users through forms that create data for all to read. Their job is (1) to read the submitted forms. (2) check if this wording has already been stated. (3) Make sure the wording is concise and clear. (4) interact with the member who submitted the form to make sure they agree with the wording the staff is suggesting. The process of working with our members will be interactive through email.
Study Circle = A group of people connected through Bible Data Search by their choice to study together.
Testing What You Believe = To test your beliefs, you should (1) Use our search feature to conclude the best meaning of the Hebrew/Aramaic word. Keep in mind our searches use both context and grammar to aid our users. (2) Consider all comments and research the scriptural or logical proofs that have been stated. (3) Prayerfully choose what you think God’s message is regarding that belief or comment. This way, when you stand before God someday, you are responsible for your understanding of the message God so generously provided our world. Consider how it sounds to God when you claim you misunderstood HIS message because you trusted a translator instead of searching for the truth yourself.
Theology = A specific organized religious view or beliefs. Keep in mind that Bible Data Search's goal is to offer NO specific religious teachings. Instead, we want to welcome ALL religious discussions through our comment system created by our users. In time we hope to provide all theological views for our members to study.
Topics = Topics will be suggested by members. Topics will inspire a collection of statements regarding those topics and proofs for and against them.
Translation = A Book written by a person or group of people who chose the meaning for the words in the source language or “data." In other words, an author’s opinion of the meaning of the source language.
Translator = The person or group of people who choose the meaning for the words in the source language or "data." Bible Data Search hopes to equip you to test the translators and feel confident in your translation of each Hebrew and Aramaic word.
Make this all possible Sign up today!